The twinkly lights, the excited giggles and music pulsing in our ears all coming together for the most special night of nights. However, when the final song is over and guests head Home, these colorful dance floor stickers will inevitably have to be tucked away—subjecting your pristine floors as they were before you celebrated. While it may at first seem like removing dance floor stickers can be a difficult task, you should not worry as long as the proper steps are followed and no damage needs to occur. Read this article to see how you can remove wedding dance floor stickers the right way!
Preparations Before Removal
Gather the Necessary Tools Before starting, be sure you have: A hairdryer or heat gun Plastic scraper or old credit card Clean, dry cloth Make sure that the area is paramountly cleaned and dust-free, so during removing there are no scratches to prevent. You should also wait until the sticker adhesive is warm for better removal,
Step-by-Step Removal Process
The first step we highly recommend taking your heat gun or hairdryer and apply an even amount of heat across the surface of vinyl sticker. This is an essential step since it breaks the glue and makes sticker removal simpler. And remember to use the heat setting cautiously so as not to damage flooring – particularly if it's made of a less robust material like wood. After the sticker is warm, start pulling one corner of it. Photo: Use a seam ripper to help peel the sticker up once you've got an edge started, but go slowly and carefully because if it tears there will be little bits of vinyl left.
If you find adhesive residue, gently lift it using the plastic scraper. Watch out not to scratch the floor. Once you have removed all visible residue, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe the area free of any remaining adhesive baits.
Tips for Easy Removal
When the sticker is still warm, removing it can be a lot easier. This lets the adhesive relax and means that you can peel the sticker off quickly. This should be done without the use of sharp objects in order to not scratch or gouge up the floor. If needed, moisten the adhesive residue with an appropriate solvent for your floor type
Manoeuvring different floor surfaces
It depends on what floor type you have in your room. Take extra care of hardwood floors, avoiding any damage to the finish. For laminate or vinyl floors it may be able to withstand more heat, but ensure the source of sensual does not go out and melt surface.
Avoiding Damage To The Floor
Before you apply, test the heat source on a small inconspicuous area to be sure it will not stain or warp your floor. When removing it, do not pull with too much force as you might scratch the face while taking away. And of course, please have patience with this.
Cleaning and Final Touches
After the sticker and glue have been scraped off, proceed to sweep or vacuum up any remaining foreign material. Buff the finish to restore it or, if needed apply a cleaning product for that type of floor. For even more spark it is worth polishing the floor, especially if the flooring on wood.
Disposal and Recycling
Waste — once you removed your vinyl sticker… bin it. However, vinyl stickers may be recyclable in your area so check at with local recycling guidelines. This sustainable move means Non of the aftermath from your soiree will wind up in a financially advantageous landfill.
When done properly, wedding dance floor stickers are simple to remove. That way, the dance floor always remains in tip-top condition not only to retain its elegant appeal but also as a form of protection for your flooring investment. By being patient, a few supplies and having some finesse- you can bid farewell to your dance floor adhesive markings while leaving no evidence.