he wera-aukati, he tiketike te whakapiri ake i te vinyl
2024/08/05Shanghai Midiya factory's latest low-temperature ultra-high adhesive vinyl material, e tika ana mō te pānuitanga o waho, tānga motopaika, tānga waka, ipu, tae atu ki tānga kaipuke, ātete tino makariri, ātete waikawa me te alkali, ātete waikura...
te whakapiri papa kanikani marena iti-tautuhi
2024/08/05Shanghai Midiya factory's latest low tack adhesive vinyl material, e tika ana mō te papa whakairi marena, papa whakairi rōpū kanikani, etc. it has high coverablity and can perfectly hide the color of the floor. removable. when the party is over, it can be easy...
tonga āwherika fespafespa afrika 2024 expo
2024/08/04Kei te harikoa matou ki te whakapuaki ka uru a Midiya ki te “Fespafespa Africa 2024” Expo, ka tū mai i te Mahuru 11 ki te 13, 2024, i Johannesburg South Airika. hei tetahi o nga huihuinga nui o te ao mo te p...